4 Styles of Attachment and Why It’s Helpful

One of my favorite things that I learned while pursuing a Masters degree in Counseling was Attachment theory. The reason I love Attachment theory so much is because it gives categories for understanding relational dynamics, it brings insight into why a person might relate in a certain way, and it supports the hope that change in relating is possible! Hallelujah! The following article includes a summary on Attachment theory, gives a short synopsis on each of the 4 Attachment styles, and provides a few resources for further learning.

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4 Surprising Reasons Why Healthy People Go To Counseling

Counselors can help the individual end an undesirable habit or behavior, but we don’t only help people when they feel they are at their lowest. Sometimes, we help people move forward in relationships, achieve goals, grow spiritually, and plan for the future. The following is a list of 4 reasons you may not realize people seek counseling. If you can identify with one or more of these 4 statements, counseling may be helpful for you.

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